Audit of environmental performance

Contact EPR Certificate Online for hassle-free assistance with environmental auditing to enhance investor confidence and meet other stakeholder demands with ease, regardless of your location.

Environmental Auditing: An Overview

Environmental Auditing is an independent assessment performed by organizations to ensure compliance with Environmental Policies. This procedure examines the risk or actual harm caused, evaluates the types of pollution produced, and assesses the range of locations, procedures, and activities.

This management tool verifies compliance with environmental norms or requirements, evaluates the effectiveness of the environmental management system, assesses risks, and identifies and corrects environmental hazards. The Auditing procedure involves the examination of accounts of revenues and costs of environmental and natural resources, their estimation, depreciation, and values recorded in the books of accounts.

The evaluation of the utilization of raw materials, products, and utilities, as well as adequate maintenance of the Environmental Management System, is crucial towards the implementation of environmental laws in an independent, transparent, and systematic order. Environmental Audit has helped reduce pollution in the industry sector and improve their bottom line.

The Environmental Organization Management Systems and Equipment operate with the goal of

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What are the eligibility criteria required to obtain NOC?

Following are the eligibility criteria to obtain NOC by an individual from SPCB:

Any individual can apply for the NOC while complying with the above requirements to get the same from the state pollution control board.

List of Required Documents for Obtaining NOC from State Pollution Control Board

The following documents are required to obtain NOC:

Government fee and time period


Time period

  Time   schedule



05 Years

For the First three Years, in the beginning when the application is filed, and for the remaining Two years before the Third year ends.



10 Years

For the first four years, at the time of application, for the following three years before the fourth year ends, and for the final three years before the seventh year end.

Different types of Industries require the mandatory CTO/CTE NOC from the state pollution control board.

Steps to Acquire NOC from State Pollution Control Board

  1. Red category industries have a validity period of 5 years for their Consent to Operate (CTO) under the Water Act of 1974 and the Air Act of 1981.
  2. On the other hand, Orange category industries have a validity period of 10 years for their CTO.

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